Examples to get you started

This page lists some example code that may get you started. This page covers just a Java code that tames this beast; you may want to look at GENE runner for a command-line based GENE invoker.

What to do first? Of course, load an XML (we are using samples/sample-docbook.xml here)

final DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
final DocumentBuilder builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
final Document doc = builder.parse("sample-docbook.xml");
final Element e = doc.getDocumentElement();
final SplittedDocHolder splitted = new SplittedDocHolder(e,
    SplittedDocHolder.PI_GENEREF_TARGET, null);

Before we try to use GENE, we'll need it to initialize properly. The document contains two namespaces: DocBook and MathML and we want it to produce a PDF file. We need to register three plugins:

    new sk.baka.xml.gene.fop.CoordinatorFactoryImpl());
    new sk.baka.xml.gene.fop.ExporterFactoryImpl());
    new sk.baka.xml.gene.mathml.ExporterFactoryImpl());
    new sk.baka.xml.gene.docbook.ExporterFactoryImpl());

Now we need to get an instance of coordinator that is able to produce PDF. We may list available coordinators, select one and instantiate it (use InstanceProvider for this; you may get list of available coordinators using the GENE runner), however we'll demonstrate a different approach here:

final Set<CoordinatorInfo> infos = InstanceProvider.getInstance()
    .findCoordinator(null, org.apache.fop.apps.MimeConstants.MIME_PDF);
final CoordinatorInfo coordinatorInfo = infos.iterator().next();
final ICoordinator coordinator = coordinatorInfo.newCoordinator();

Now it would be nice if GENE would compute the exporter order and the export graph itself, wouldn't it?

final ExportGraphBuilder graphBuilder = coordinator
final ExportGraph graph = graphBuilder.newGraph(ExportGraphBuilder
    .getDocumentNamespaces(splitted), coordinatorInfo, true);

Now you may play with the graph a little if you want, insert and remove nodes etc. When you're done, let's proceed further.

final TransformGraph transformGraph = graphBuilder
    .toTransformGraph(graph, coordinatorInfo, null);
ExportGraphBuilder.printGraph(transformGraph, System.out);

This will construct and print the transform graph, an unambiguous representation of the exporter graph. For our example it should print this:

|---  Node hash: 1bbd23f  Exporter: MathMLToImageExporter
|  MathML to Image Exporter
|  Priority: 0  Source namespace: {http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML} [DOM]
|  exports {http://www.uniba.sk/euromath/holder/image} in these kinds: [OBJECT]
|  |
|  \---  Node hash: 3c0007  Exporter: ImageToPngExporter
|     ImageRef to PNG exporter
|     Priority: 0  Source namespace: {http://www.uniba.sk/euromath/holder/image} [OBJECT]
|     exports {http://www.uniba.sk/euromath/holder/png} in these kinds: [STREAM]
|     |
|     \---  sent to coordinator
\---  Node hash: 125fefa  Exporter: DocbookToFOExporter
   DocBook to XSL-FO exporter
   Priority: 0  Source namespace: {http://docbook.org/ns/docbook} [SAX]
   exports {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format} in these kinds: [DOM, SAX]
   \---  sent to coordinator

It means that for MathML the MathML->Image exporter will be used, followed by the Image->PNG exporter and its output directed to the coordinator (normally a Image->SVG exporter would have been chosen, unfortunately FOP0.92beta has some bugs that prevents it to cooperate with Batik1.6, hence SVG support was temporarily disabled). For DocBook, the DocBook->FO exporter is used and the result is directed to the coordinator. Finally, let's execute the transformation:

final ExportController controller = new ExportController(new File(
    "sample-docbook.xml"), splitted, transformGraph, coordinator);
controller.export(new File("sample-docbook.pdf"));

Oh yeah, a fresh PDF straight from the oven :) You may note that

  • Although DocBook does not support MathML itself, GENE was able to transform it and include in the result document,
  • You didn't have to perform a complex XSLT redirection, processing, you didn't have to build the export graph yourself, you just had to supply source XML.