Packages that use DomPointer | |
sk.uniba.euromath.document | Manages in-memory document. |
sk.uniba.euromath.document.interval | |
sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema | Helps with the document modification. |
sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.add | Computes lists of elements that can be inserted at a particular place. |
sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.iterator | Provides iterator abstraction over a list of nodes. |
sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.modify | Classes that computes possible document modification operations. |
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor | Text Editor |
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.actions | Actions for TextEditor |
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.requests.selectionRequest | |
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.wizards.document | Reusable GUI wizards, that serves for document modification. |
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions | Actions for XMLEditor |
Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.document |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document that return DomPointer | |
DomPointer |
DomPointerFactory.create(Node pointsTo)
Creates instance of pointer. |
DomPointer |
DomPointerFactory.create(Node parent,
InsertPoint ip)
Creates instance of pointer. |
DomPointer |
DomPointerFactory.create(Node pointsTo,
int pos)
Creates instance of pointer. |
DomPointer |
DomPointerFactory.create(Node parent,
Node pointsTo)
Creates instance of pointer. |
DomPointer |
DomPointerFactory.create(Node parent,
Node pointsTo,
int pos)
Creates instance of pointer. |
DomPointer |
DomPointerFactory.create(String pointsToId)
Creates instance of pointer. |
DomPointer |
DomPointerFactory.create(String parentId,
InsertPoint ip)
Creates instance of pointer. |
DomPointer |
DomPointerFactory.create(String parentId,
String pointsToId)
Creates instance of pointer. |
DomPointer |
DomPointerFactory.createFirstIn(Node parent,
EnumSet<DomPointerFlag> flags)
Creates a pointer that points onto a first 'child' of given element (a child when entity references are resolved. |
DomPointer |
Returns the ending pointer marking the end of this nodelist. |
DomPointer |
IdDomMapper.getEndBoundary(Element parent,
int index)
Returns the pointer pointing after the last DOM-level node that makes up the ID-level index. |
DomPointer |
IdDomMapper.getEndBoundary(Node node)
Returns the pointer pointing after the last DOM-level node that makes up the ID-level index where given node belongs. |
DomPointer |
DomPointerFactory.getFirst(EnumSet<DomPointerFlag> ptrFlags)
Returns first pointer with given flags, in the Document-order ordering. |
DomPointer |
DomPointerFactory.getLast(EnumSet<DomPointerFlag> ptrFlags)
Returns last pointer with given flags, in the Document-order ordering. |
DomPointer |
DomPointer.getNext(EnumSet<DomPointerFlag> ptrFlags,
boolean canReturnSelf,
boolean dontGoIntoElements)
Returns pointer to next node, in Document order ordering (as if serialized, see W3C definition). |
DomPointer |
IdDomMapper.getNextNodePtr(DomPointer ptr)
Returns next non-entity node. |
DomPointer |
Creates new instance of pointer, that points to next node. |
DomPointer |
NodeListID.getPointer(int pos,
boolean preferNext,
boolean preferModifiable)
Converts the position in the textValue into a DOM pointer instance. |
DomPointer |
DocumentModifyHelper.getPointer(String nodeID,
String prevText)
Returns DomPointer which points to place in node tree to textual node with id nodeID and after text prevText. |
DomPointer |
DomPointer.getPrevious(EnumSet<DomPointerFlag> ptrFlags,
boolean canReturnSelf,
boolean dontGoIntoElements)
Returns pointer to previous node in Document order ordering (as if serialized, see W3C definition). |
DomPointer |
Creates new instance of pointer, that points to the beforePoints node. |
DomPointer |
Returns the starting pointer marking the start of this nodelist. |
DomPointer |
IdDomMapper.getStartBoundary(Element parent,
int index)
Returns the pointer pointing onto the first DOM-level node that makes up the ID-level index. |
DomPointer |
IdDomMapper.getStartBoundary(Node node)
Returns the pointer pointing onto the first DOM-level node that makes up the ID-level index where given node belongs. |
DomPointer |
Normalizes the pointer. |
DomPointer |
Skips forwards and backwards out from entities as much as possible. |
DomPointer |
DomPointer.skipFromEntities(boolean forward)
Tries to skip out of entities as much as possible. |
DomPointer |
Converts itself into the DOM pointer. |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document with parameters of type DomPointer | |
void |
DocumentContent.checkPtr(DomPointer ptr)
Checks the pointer if it points into our document. |
void |
DomCore.checkPtr(DomPointer ptr)
Checks the pointer if it points into our document. |
abstract boolean |
DomPointerFlag.complies(DomPointer ptr)
Checks if given pointer complies the flag. |
static boolean |
DomPointerFlag.complies(DomPointer ptr,
EnumSet<DomPointerFlag> flags)
Checks if the pointer complies all defined flags (for behaviour when both PointToText and PointToElement flags are
specified please see their specification). |
boolean |
NodeListID.contains(DomPointer ptr)
Checks if given pointer points inside this nodelist. |
DocumentFragment |
DocumentContent.copy(DomPointer from,
DomPointer to)
Tries to copy all nodes in the specified range (the node pointed to by to parameter is not copied). |
DocumentFragment |
DocumentModifier.cut(DomPointer from,
DomPointer to)
Tries to remove all nodes in the specified range (the node pointed to by to parameter is not removed). |
void |
DocumentModifyHelper.encloseNodes(Shell parent,
DomPointer start,
DomPointer end)
Manages the process of enclosing the nodes. |
DisplayableNameList |
DocumentModifyHelper.getInsertableElements(DomPointer pointer)
Deprecated. use getInsertableElementsQNames(DomPointer) instead. To display qname use DomTools.printQName(QName) . |
List<QName> |
DocumentModifyHelper.getInsertableElementsQNames(DomPointer pointer)
Computes list of names of elements, insertable at given pointer. |
List<String> |
DocumentModifyHelper.getInsertableEntities(Shell parent,
DomPointer ptr)
Computes insertable entities. |
DomPointer |
IdDomMapper.getNextNodePtr(DomPointer ptr)
Returns next non-entity node. |
int |
NodeListID.getPos(DomPointer ptr)
From given nodeindex and text position computes the global position (position in the text value). |
void |
DocumentModifyHelper.insertEntity(Shell parent,
DomPointer ptr)
Manages the process of inserting an entity into selected position by dialog. |
void |
DocumentModifyHelper.insertEntity(String entityName,
DomPointer ptr)
Inserts entity to given position. |
void |
DocumentModifier.insertFragment(DocumentFragment frag,
DomPointer ptr)
Inserts all nodes from specified document fragment into specified position. |
void |
DocumentModifier.insertNode(Node node,
DomPointer ptr,
boolean merge)
Inserts the node at the specified pointer. |
String |
DocumentModifier.insertText(DomPointer point,
String value,
short type)
Inserts text into element, depending on given parameters. |
boolean |
DocumentModifier.isRemovable(DomPointer from,
DomPointer to)
Checks whether all nodes from specified range can be deleted - i.e. |
(package private) void |
DocumentModifier.move(DocumentFragment target,
boolean delete,
DomPointer from,
DomPointer to)
Tries to move all nodes in the specified range (the node pointed to by to parameter is not moved). |
void |
DocumentModifier.remove(DomPointer from,
DomPointer to)
Tries to remove all nodes in the specified range (the node pointed to by to parameter is not removed). |
Text |
DocumentModifier.splitText(DomPointer ptr)
Splits the text/cdata node at the specified position. |
Constructors in sk.uniba.euromath.document with parameters of type DomPointer | |
NodeListID(DomPointer start,
DomPointer end,
DomCore doc)
The constructor. |
Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.document.interval |
Fields in sk.uniba.euromath.document.interval declared as DomPointer | |
DomPointer |
Select nodes from this pointer. |
DomPointer |
The pointer being queried. |
DomPointer |
Select nodes up to this pointer. |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document.interval with parameters of type DomPointer | |
boolean |
DOMInterval.contains(DomPointer pointer)
Checks if given pointer points into contents of this interval. |
IntervalOrInsertPoint |
DOMIntervalSet.findIntervalOrInsertPoint(DomPointer ptr)
Finds index of interval that contains given pointer, or an insert point where interval starting with given pointer would be inserted. |
DOMInterval |
DOMIntervalFactory.newInterval(DomPointer from,
DomPointer to)
Creates and returns new document interval. |
Constructors in sk.uniba.euromath.document.interval with parameters of type DomPointer | |
DOMInterval(DomPointer from,
DomPointer to,
DomCore doc)
Constructor. |
IntervalOrInsertPoint(DOMIntervalSet owner,
DomPointer ptr,
int index)
Constructor. |
Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema with parameters of type DomPointer | |
String |
ElementRule.isAcceptable(DomPointer ptr,
boolean create,
String newValue)
Checks whether the new text value is acceptable. |
Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.add |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.add with parameters of type DomPointer | |
boolean |
ComputationStateChecker.addState(DomPointer ptr,
com.sun.msv.grammar.Expression exp,
InsertListInternal part)
Adds state to states list. |
List<InsertListImpl> |
ComputeInsertLists.getInsertableElements(DomPointer ptr)
Tries to insert new element into children of given element. |
Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.iterator |
Fields in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.iterator declared as DomPointer | |
DomPointer |
The end of the range. |
DomPointer |
The pointer. |
DomPointer |
DOM pointer, pointing to context node. |
DomPointer |
Points to point, where node is insertable. |
DomPointer |
The start of the range. |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.iterator that return DomPointer | |
DomPointer |
SchemaLevelNodeIterator.getEquivalent(DomPointer ptr)
Returns an DOMPointer that is equal to some pointer in the list, and inserting an element/text at given ip is equivalent to inserting the node at returned pointer. |
DomPointer |
ContentFilter.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
Queries for the pointer of the node. |
DomPointer |
SinglePointerFilter.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
DomPointer |
FilterNodeSet.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
DomPointer |
SkipRangeFilter.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.iterator with parameters of type DomPointer | |
static ContentInfo |
ContentInfo.create(DomPointer ptr,
Node node)
Creates instance of the object. |
static SchemaLevelNodeIterator |
SchemaLevelNodeIteratorBuilder.createWithDeleted(DomPointer start,
DomPointer end)
Pretends that there are nodes cut from the node sequence. |
DomPointer |
SchemaLevelNodeIterator.getEquivalent(DomPointer ptr)
Returns an DOMPointer that is equal to some pointer in the list, and inserting an element/text at given ip is equivalent to inserting the node at returned pointer. |
DomPointer |
ContentFilter.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
Queries for the pointer of the node. |
DomPointer |
SinglePointerFilter.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
DomPointer |
FilterNodeSet.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
DomPointer |
SkipRangeFilter.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
protected static int |
SchemaLevelNodeIteratorBuilder.search(List<ContentInfo> list,
DomPointer ptr)
Search with given pointer in list of insertpoints. |
Constructors in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.iterator with parameters of type DomPointer | |
ContentInfo(DomPointer ptr,
String value,
Element e)
Constructs instance of InsertPointInfo . |
SinglePointerFilter(DomPointer pointer)
Constructs instance of the filter. |
SkipRangeFilter(DomPointer start,
DomPointer end)
Constructor. |
Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.modify |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.modify with parameters of type DomPointer | |
static EnclosingIterator |
IteratorBuilder.createEnclosingIterator(DomPointer start,
DomPointer end)
Iterates the content of start.parent element. |
Constructors in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.modify with parameters of type DomPointer | |
EnclosableElementContentInfo(DomPointer ptr)
Constructs an instance of the object, having dummy element ( null namespace and "dummy" localname). |
Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor that return DomPointer | |
DomPointer |
DomPointer |
Returns pointer to place in DOM tree where is caret or null if caret is nowhere. |
Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.actions |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.actions that return DomPointer | |
protected DomPointer |
Returns pointer to place in DOM tree where is caret. |
protected DomPointer |
Returns pointer to place in DOM tree where is caret. |
Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.requests.selectionRequest |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.requests.selectionRequest that return DomPointer | |
DomPointer |
DomPointer |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.requests.selectionRequest with parameters of type DomPointer | |
void |
TextSelectionRequest.setEnd(DomPointer end)
void |
TextSelectionRequest.setStart(DomPointer start)
Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.wizards.document |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.wizards.document with parameters of type DomPointer | |
INameListItemChooserFactory<NewElementRule> |
NameListChooserFactories.encloseNodes(DomPointer start,
DomPointer end)
Returns factory producing components able to select element name, that may enclose given content. |
static ElementLoc |
InsertElementWizardProvider.execute(Shell parent,
XMLAccess xmlAccess,
DomPointer place,
NamespaceManager nsManager,
QName preselected)
Helper method that executes the insert element wizard. |
Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions |
Fields in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions declared as DomPointer | |
protected DomPointer |
Points to place, where will be entity inserted, if can. |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions that return DomPointer | |
protected DomPointer |
protected DomPointer |
DomPointer |
Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions with parameters of type DomPointer | |
protected void |
InsertEntityAction.setPointer(DomPointer pointer)
protected void |
InsertElementWizardAction.setPointer(DomPointer pointer)
protected void |
InsertElementAction.setPointer(DomPointer pointer)