Uses of Class

Packages that use DomPointer
sk.uniba.euromath.document Manages in-memory document. 
sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema Helps with the document modification. 
sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.add Computes lists of elements that can be inserted at a particular place. 
sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.iterator Provides iterator abstraction over a list of nodes. 
sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.modify Classes that computes possible document modification operations. 
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor Text Editor 
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.actions Actions for TextEditor 
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.wizards.document Reusable GUI wizards, that serves for document modification. 
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions Actions for XMLEditor 

Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.document

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document that return DomPointer
 DomPointer DomPointerFactory.create(Node pointsTo)
          Creates instance of pointer.
 DomPointer DomPointerFactory.create(Node parent, InsertPoint ip)
          Creates instance of pointer.
 DomPointer DomPointerFactory.create(Node pointsTo, int pos)
          Creates instance of pointer.
 DomPointer DomPointerFactory.create(Node parent, Node pointsTo)
          Creates instance of pointer.
 DomPointer DomPointerFactory.create(Node parent, Node pointsTo, int pos)
          Creates instance of pointer.
 DomPointer DomPointerFactory.create(String pointsToId)
          Creates instance of pointer.
 DomPointer DomPointerFactory.create(String parentId, InsertPoint ip)
          Creates instance of pointer.
 DomPointer DomPointerFactory.create(String parentId, String pointsToId)
          Creates instance of pointer.
 DomPointer DomPointerFactory.createFirstIn(Node parent, EnumSet<DomPointerFlag> flags)
          Creates a pointer that points onto a first 'child' of given element (a child when entity references are resolved.
 DomPointer NodeListID.getEnd()
          Returns the ending pointer marking the end of this nodelist.
 DomPointer IdDomMapper.getEndBoundary(Element parent, int index)
          Returns the pointer pointing after the last DOM-level node that makes up the ID-level index.
 DomPointer IdDomMapper.getEndBoundary(Node node)
          Returns the pointer pointing after the last DOM-level node that makes up the ID-level index where given node belongs.
 DomPointer DomPointerFactory.getFirst(EnumSet<DomPointerFlag> ptrFlags)
          Returns first pointer with given flags, in the Document-order ordering.
 DomPointer DomPointerFactory.getLast(EnumSet<DomPointerFlag> ptrFlags)
          Returns last pointer with given flags, in the Document-order ordering.
 DomPointer DomPointer.getNext(EnumSet<DomPointerFlag> ptrFlags, boolean canReturnSelf, boolean dontGoIntoElements)
          Returns pointer to next node, in Document order ordering (as if serialized, see W3C definition).
 DomPointer IdDomMapper.getNextNodePtr(DomPointer ptr)
          Returns next non-entity node.
 DomPointer DomPointer.getNextSibling()
          Creates new instance of pointer, that points to next node.
 DomPointer NodeListID.getPointer(int pos, boolean preferNext, boolean preferModifiable)
          Converts the position in the textValue into a DOM pointer instance.
 DomPointer DocumentModifyHelper.getPointer(String nodeID, String prevText)
          Returns DomPointer which points to place in node tree to textual node with id nodeID and after text prevText.
 DomPointer DomPointer.getPrevious(EnumSet<DomPointerFlag> ptrFlags, boolean canReturnSelf, boolean dontGoIntoElements)
          Returns pointer to previous node in Document order ordering (as if serialized, see W3C definition).
 DomPointer DomPointer.getPreviousSibling()
          Creates new instance of pointer, that points to the beforePoints node.
 DomPointer NodeListID.getStart()
          Returns the starting pointer marking the start of this nodelist.
 DomPointer IdDomMapper.getStartBoundary(Element parent, int index)
          Returns the pointer pointing onto the first DOM-level node that makes up the ID-level index.
 DomPointer IdDomMapper.getStartBoundary(Node node)
          Returns the pointer pointing onto the first DOM-level node that makes up the ID-level index where given node belongs.
 DomPointer DomPointer.normalize()
          Normalizes the pointer.
 DomPointer DomPointer.skipFromEntities()
          Skips forwards and backwards out from entities as much as possible.
 DomPointer DomPointer.skipFromEntities(boolean forward)
          Tries to skip out of entities as much as possible.
 DomPointer NodeListID.NodePtr.toDomPointer()
          Converts itself into the DOM pointer.

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document with parameters of type DomPointer
 void DocumentContent.checkPtr(DomPointer ptr)
          Checks the pointer if it points into our document.
 void DomCore.checkPtr(DomPointer ptr)
          Checks the pointer if it points into our document.
abstract  boolean DomPointerFlag.complies(DomPointer ptr)
          Checks if given pointer complies the flag.
static boolean DomPointerFlag.complies(DomPointer ptr, EnumSet<DomPointerFlag> flags)
          Checks if the pointer complies all defined flags (for behaviour when both PointToText and PointToElement flags are specified please see their specification).
 boolean NodeListID.contains(DomPointer ptr)
          Checks if given pointer points inside this nodelist.
 DocumentFragment DocumentContent.copy(DomPointer from, DomPointer to)
          Tries to copy all nodes in the specified range (the node pointed to by to parameter is not copied).
 DocumentFragment DocumentModifier.cut(DomPointer from, DomPointer to)
          Tries to remove all nodes in the specified range (the node pointed to by to parameter is not removed).
 void DocumentModifyHelper.encloseNodes(Shell parent, DomPointer start, DomPointer end)
          Manages the process of enclosing the nodes.
 DisplayableNameList DocumentModifyHelper.getInsertableElements(DomPointer pointer)
          Deprecated. use getInsertableElementsQNames(DomPointer) instead. To display qname use DomTools.printQName(QName).
 List<QName> DocumentModifyHelper.getInsertableElementsQNames(DomPointer pointer)
          Computes list of names of elements, insertable at given pointer.
 List<String> DocumentModifyHelper.getInsertableEntities(Shell parent, DomPointer ptr)
          Computes insertable entities.
 DomPointer IdDomMapper.getNextNodePtr(DomPointer ptr)
          Returns next non-entity node.
 int NodeListID.getPos(DomPointer ptr)
          From given nodeindex and text position computes the global position (position in the text value).
 void DocumentModifyHelper.insertEntity(Shell parent, DomPointer ptr)
          Manages the process of inserting an entity into selected position by dialog.
 void DocumentModifyHelper.insertEntity(String entityName, DomPointer ptr)
          Inserts entity to given position.
 void DocumentModifier.insertFragment(DocumentFragment frag, DomPointer ptr)
          Inserts all nodes from specified document fragment into specified position.
 void DocumentModifier.insertNode(Node node, DomPointer ptr, boolean merge)
          Inserts the node at the specified pointer.
 String DocumentModifier.insertText(DomPointer point, String value, short type)
          Inserts text into element, depending on given parameters.
 boolean DocumentModifier.isRemovable(DomPointer from, DomPointer to)
          Checks whether all nodes from specified range can be deleted - i.e.
(package private)  void DocumentModifier.move(DocumentFragment target, boolean delete, DomPointer from, DomPointer to)
          Tries to move all nodes in the specified range (the node pointed to by to parameter is not moved).
 void DocumentModifier.remove(DomPointer from, DomPointer to)
          Tries to remove all nodes in the specified range (the node pointed to by to parameter is not removed).
 Text DocumentModifier.splitText(DomPointer ptr)
          Splits the text/cdata node at the specified position.

Constructors in sk.uniba.euromath.document with parameters of type DomPointer
NodeListID(DomPointer start, DomPointer end, DomCore doc)
          The constructor.

Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.document.interval

Fields in sk.uniba.euromath.document.interval declared as DomPointer
 DomPointer DOMInterval.from
          Select nodes from this pointer.
 DomPointer IntervalOrInsertPoint.ptr
          The pointer being queried.
          Select nodes up to this pointer.

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document.interval with parameters of type DomPointer
 boolean DOMInterval.contains(DomPointer pointer)
          Checks if given pointer points into contents of this interval.
 IntervalOrInsertPoint DOMIntervalSet.findIntervalOrInsertPoint(DomPointer ptr)
           Finds index of interval that contains given pointer, or an insert point where interval starting with given pointer would be inserted.
 DOMInterval DOMIntervalFactory.newInterval(DomPointer from, DomPointer to)
          Creates and returns new document interval.

Constructors in sk.uniba.euromath.document.interval with parameters of type DomPointer
DOMInterval(DomPointer from, DomPointer to, DomCore doc)
IntervalOrInsertPoint(DOMIntervalSet owner, DomPointer ptr, int index)

Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema with parameters of type DomPointer
 String ElementRule.isAcceptable(DomPointer ptr, boolean create, String newValue)
          Checks whether the new text value is acceptable.

Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.add

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.add with parameters of type DomPointer
 boolean ComputationStateChecker.addState(DomPointer ptr, com.sun.msv.grammar.Expression exp, InsertListInternal part)
          Adds state to states list.
 List<InsertListImpl> ComputeInsertLists.getInsertableElements(DomPointer ptr)
          Tries to insert new element into children of given element.

Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.iterator

Fields in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.iterator declared as DomPointer
 DomPointer SkipRangeFilter.end
          The end of the range.
 DomPointer SinglePointerFilter.pointer
          The pointer.
 DomPointer ContentInfo.ptr
          DOM pointer, pointing to context node.
 DomPointer ContentInfo.ptrInsert
          Points to point, where node is insertable.
 DomPointer SkipRangeFilter.start
          The start of the range.

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.iterator that return DomPointer
 DomPointer SchemaLevelNodeIterator.getEquivalent(DomPointer ptr)
          Returns an DOMPointer that is equal to some pointer in the list, and inserting an element/text at given ip is equivalent to inserting the node at returned pointer.
 DomPointer ContentFilter.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
          Queries for the pointer of the node.
 DomPointer SinglePointerFilter.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
 DomPointer FilterNodeSet.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
 DomPointer SkipRangeFilter.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.iterator with parameters of type DomPointer
static ContentInfo ContentInfo.create(DomPointer ptr, Node node)
          Creates instance of the object.
static SchemaLevelNodeIterator SchemaLevelNodeIteratorBuilder.createWithDeleted(DomPointer start, DomPointer end)
          Pretends that there are nodes cut from the node sequence.
 DomPointer SchemaLevelNodeIterator.getEquivalent(DomPointer ptr)
          Returns an DOMPointer that is equal to some pointer in the list, and inserting an element/text at given ip is equivalent to inserting the node at returned pointer.
 DomPointer ContentFilter.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
          Queries for the pointer of the node.
 DomPointer SinglePointerFilter.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
 DomPointer FilterNodeSet.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
 DomPointer SkipRangeFilter.queryNodePointer(DomPointer pointer)
protected static int<ContentInfo> list, DomPointer ptr)
          Search with given pointer in list of insertpoints.

Constructors in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.iterator with parameters of type DomPointer
ContentInfo(DomPointer ptr, String value, Element e)
          Constructs instance of InsertPointInfo.
SinglePointerFilter(DomPointer pointer)
          Constructs instance of the filter.
SkipRangeFilter(DomPointer start, DomPointer end)

Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.modify

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.modify with parameters of type DomPointer
static EnclosingIterator IteratorBuilder.createEnclosingIterator(DomPointer start, DomPointer end)
          Iterates the content of start.parent element.

Constructors in sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.impl.modify with parameters of type DomPointer
EnclosableElementContentInfo(DomPointer ptr)
          Constructs an instance of the object, having dummy element ( null namespace and "dummy" localname).

Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor that return DomPointer
 DomPointer CaretManager.getDOMPointer()
 DomPointer ICaretProvider.getPointer()
          Returns pointer to place in DOM tree where is caret or null if caret is nowhere.

Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.actions

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.actions that return DomPointer
protected  DomPointer AtCaretAction.getPointer()
          Returns pointer to place in DOM tree where is caret.
protected  DomPointer PasteAction.getPointer()
          Returns pointer to place in DOM tree where is caret.

Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.requests.selectionRequest

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.requests.selectionRequest that return DomPointer
 DomPointer TextSelectionRequest.getEnd()
 DomPointer TextSelectionRequest.getStart()

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.requests.selectionRequest with parameters of type DomPointer
 void TextSelectionRequest.setEnd(DomPointer end)
 void TextSelectionRequest.setStart(DomPointer start)

Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.wizards.document

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.wizards.document with parameters of type DomPointer
 INameListItemChooserFactory<NewElementRule> NameListChooserFactories.encloseNodes(DomPointer start, DomPointer end)
          Returns factory producing components able to select element name, that may enclose given content.
static ElementLoc InsertElementWizardProvider.execute(Shell parent, XMLAccess xmlAccess, DomPointer place, NamespaceManager nsManager, QName preselected)
          Helper method that executes the insert element wizard.

Uses of DomPointer in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions

Fields in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions declared as DomPointer
protected  DomPointer InsertEntityAction.pointer
          Points to place, where will be entity inserted, if can.

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions that return DomPointer
protected  DomPointer InsertEntityAction.getPointer()
protected  DomPointer InsertElementWizardAction.getPointer()
 DomPointer InsertElementAction.getPointer()

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions with parameters of type DomPointer
protected  void InsertEntityAction.setPointer(DomPointer pointer)
protected  void InsertElementWizardAction.setPointer(DomPointer pointer)
protected  void InsertElementAction.setPointer(DomPointer pointer)

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