Package sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.plug

Interfaces that must be implemented in order to be able to be provided by the SchemaPool object.


Interface Summary
IAttributeListRuleP Represents list of attributes, that are allowed to be created in context element.
IAttributeRuleP Represents rule for attribute.
IBaseRuleP Represents base interface for all rules.
IElementLocP Interface representing element locator.
IElementRuleP Represents rule for one element, already present in the document.
IElementSequenceRuleP Represents rule generating sequence of elements.
IForeignNodeP Functionality to return information which foreign qname is the rule able to accept/generate.
IInsertListP List of ElementLocP objects, must be maintained ordered by InsertPoint.
INameListP<R extends IBaseRuleP> Holds list of possible element/attibute QNames, with their corresponding rules.
INewElementRuleP Represents rule for one element (the context element), that is being created.
ISchema Schema returns various information regarding allowed document structure.
ISchemaFactory Factory that produces Schema interfaces.
ISingleQNameP Represents a rule for a single node: element or attribute.
IValidationContextP Provides context information that is necessary to perform validation of some Datatypes.
IValueRule Represents rule for textual value.

Exception Summary
SchemaException Thrown by Schema.

Package sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.plug Description

Interfaces that must be implemented in order to be able to be provided by the SchemaPool object. Look onto the ISchema interface for details.

Maintainer: Martin Vysny

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