Uses of Package

Packages that use sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.actions Actions for TextEditor 
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions Actions for XMLEditor 
sk.uniba.euromath.plugin.views.inputBox.actions Actions used in InputBox 
sk.uniba.euromath.plugin.views.outline.actions Actions for outline view 

Classes in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions used by sk.uniba.euromath.editor.textEditor.actions
          Base action for generic xml modification actions.
Supposed to be subclassed.
          Contributor for XMLEditor.

Classes in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions used by sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions
          Common action for manipulating single node gained from: selection contructor - if node was specified in constructor, that node is taken into account, so selection is not handled. How node is gained from selection, is specified by type: NodeManipulateAction.SINGLE - selection must contain one node only (otherwise action is disabled), so which is taken for manipulation NodeManipulateAction.FIRST - as node for manipualtion is taken first node in selection NodeManipulateAction.LAST - as node for manipualtion is taken last node in selection and into account is taken way of partially selected nodes processing (this option is set in constructor):
if selection contains some partially selected nodes, then action is disabled if selection contains some partially selected nodes, they are proccessed as completelly selected nodes
          Base action for generic xml modification actions.
Supposed to be subclassed.

Classes in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions used by sk.uniba.euromath.plugin.views.inputBox.actions
          Base action for generic xml modification actions.
Supposed to be subclassed.

Classes in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions used by sk.uniba.euromath.plugin.views.outline.actions
          Common action for manipulating single node gained from: selection contructor - if node was specified in constructor, that node is taken into account, so selection is not handled. How node is gained from selection, is specified by type: NodeManipulateAction.SINGLE - selection must contain one node only (otherwise action is disabled), so which is taken for manipulation NodeManipulateAction.FIRST - as node for manipualtion is taken first node in selection NodeManipulateAction.LAST - as node for manipualtion is taken last node in selection and into account is taken way of partially selected nodes processing (this option is set in constructor):
if selection contains some partially selected nodes, then action is disabled if selection contains some partially selected nodes, they are proccessed as completelly selected nodes
          Base action for generic xml modification actions.
Supposed to be subclassed.

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