Uses of Class

Packages that use ExportException
sk.uniba.euromath.document Manages in-memory document. 
sk.uniba.euromath.document.export Factory that produces GENE Exporters from all XSLT transformations registered in the emConfig.xml file. 
sk.uniba.euromath.editor Editor - Core of Multi Editor Architecture 
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.widgets Reusable GUI widgets. 
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.wizards.document Reusable GUI wizards, that serves for document modification. 
sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions Actions for XMLEditor 
sk.uniba.euromath.gene Provides GENE (Graph Export Engine) export functionality. 
sk.uniba.euromath.gene.builtin Built-in exporters and coordinators. 
sk.uniba.euromath.gene.controller The core of the GENE framework. 
sk.uniba.euromath.gene.exportgraph Classes that allows you to build export graphs. 
sk.uniba.euromath.gene.rendereradapter Encapsulates all known renderers into the IExporter interface. 

Uses of ExportException in sk.uniba.euromath.document

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document that throw ExportException
 void DocumentModifyHelper.decloseNodes(Shell parent, Element e)
          Manages the process of declosing the nodes - replaces given element with its contents.
 void DocumentModifyHelper.deleteAttribute(Shell parent, Attr attr)
          Manages the process of deleting the attribute.
 void DocumentModifyHelper.deleteElements(Shell shell, Set<Element> elements)
          Manages the process of deleting the elements.
 void DocumentModifyHelper.deleteNode(Shell shell, Node node)
          Tries to delete a single node.
 void DocumentModifyHelper.deleteTextNode(Shell shell, Node node)
          Deletes given text node.
 void DocumentModifyHelper.encloseNodes(Shell parent, sk.baka.ikslibs.ptr.DomPointer start, sk.baka.ikslibs.ptr.DomPointer end)
          Manages the process of enclosing the nodes.
 void DocumentModifier.endModify()
          Ends modification of document.
(package private)  void DocumentView.export()
          Exports the document.
 ExportGraph DocumentView.getGraphFor(Collection<? extends String> namespaces)
          Constructs graph for given set of namespaces.
 void DocumentView.initialize(TransformGraph graph)
          Initializes the view, performing the transformation.
 void DocumentModifyHelper.insertEntity(Shell parent, sk.baka.ikslibs.ptr.DomPointer ptr)
          Manages the process of inserting an entity into selected position by dialog.
 void DocumentModifyHelper.insertEntity(String entityName, sk.baka.ikslibs.ptr.DomPointer ptr)
          Inserts entity to given position.
 void DocumentModifyHelper.insertNewAttribute(Shell parent, Element e)
          Manages the process of inserting a new attribute into given element.
 void DocumentModifyHelper.insertTextNode(Shell shell, Element element)
          Inserts text to end of element by dialog.
 void DocumentModifyHelper.modifyAttribute(Shell parent, Attr attr)
          Manages the process of modifying the attribute value.
 void DocumentModifyHelper.modifyTextNode(Shell shell, Node node)
          Modifies text of node by dialog.

Constructors in sk.uniba.euromath.document that throw ExportException
DocumentView(XMLAccess doc, RendererSelector selector, EditorSite site)
          Constructs the instance of object.

Uses of ExportException in sk.uniba.euromath.document.export

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.document.export that throw ExportException
 IExporter ExporterFactoryImpl.produce(String id, ExportHelper helper)

Constructors in sk.uniba.euromath.document.export that throw ExportException

Uses of ExportException in sk.uniba.euromath.editor

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor that throw ExportException
 Map<String,EditorInfo> IEditorFactory.getSupportedEditors()
          Returns map that maps ID of an editor to the information about that editor.
 IEditor EditorInfo.newEditor(ExportHelper helper)
          Produces new instance of this editor.
 IEditor IEditorFactory.produce(String id, ExportHelper helper)
          Produces an instance of editor denoted by given ID.

Uses of ExportException in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.widgets

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.widgets that throw ExportException
 TransformGraph GraphSelectorWidget.getTransformationInfo(ExportHelper h, CoordinatorInfo info)
           Processes actual selection and returns exact transformation tree.

Uses of ExportException in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.wizards.document

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.wizards.document that throw ExportException
static void CreateAttributeListWizard.execute(Shell parent, List<AttributeListRule> listRules, Element element, XMLAccess xmlAccess)
          Executes the wizard.
 void ElementLoc.insert()
          Inserts the elements into their locations.

Uses of ExportException in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.editor.xmlEditor.actions with parameters of type ExportException
protected  void XMLAccessModifyAction.handleExportException(ExportException ex)
          Handles the exception that occured during the document modification: prints an error message and logs it.

Uses of ExportException in sk.uniba.euromath.gene

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.gene that throw ExportException
 void IExporter.export(Source source, Result result, ExportContext context)
           Exports (transforms) the document from a single namespace and writes it to the result.
 void XsltExporterBase.export(Source source, Result result, ExportContext context)
 void ICoordinator.finishExport()
          Finalizes the export of the document.
 Map<String,ExporterInfo> IExporterFactory.getSupportedExporters()
          Returns map that maps ID of an exporter to the information about that exporter.
 IExporter ExporterInfo.newExporter(ExportHelper helper)
          Produces new instance of this exporter.
static XsltExporterBase XsltExporterBase.newFromConfig(ExportHelper helper, sk.uniba.euromath.config.bind.StylesheetType xslt, ExporterInfo info)
          Constructs exporter from given config item.
static XsltExporterBase XsltExporterBase.newIdentity(ExportHelper helper, ExporterInfo info)
          Constructs identity exporter.
 Object ICoordinator.offerObject(String namespace)
           When the coordinator accepts the ObjectSource but wants to provide an object as a result to the exporter E (for example it wants E to draw something in a certain instance of Graphics), then return non-null value.
 Source ICoordinator.partialResultEvent(DocumentFragment processed, NamespacePath path, Source source, String sourceNamespace, CoordinatorInputKey key)
          Using this method the coordinator is queried if it wants to modify the final result of one exporter pipe.
 IExporter IExporterFactory.produce(String id, ExportHelper helper)
          Produces an instance of exporter denoted by given ID.
 Result ICoordinator.startExport(URLDir root, String fileName, String systemId)
           Initiates the export itself.

Constructors in sk.uniba.euromath.gene that throw ExportException
XsltExporterBase(ExportHelper helper, String xsltUri, ExporterInfo info)
          The constructor.

Uses of ExportException in sk.uniba.euromath.gene.builtin

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.gene.builtin that throw ExportException
 void ImageToPngExporter.export(Source source, Result result, ExportContext context)
 void XHTMLCoordinator.finishExport()
 void LaTeXCoordinator.finishExport()
 Map<String,ExporterInfo> ImageExporterFactory.getSupportedExporters()
 Source XHTMLCoordinator.partialResultEvent(DocumentFragment processed, NamespacePath path, Source source, String sourceNamespace, CoordinatorInputKey key)
 Source LaTeXCoordinator.partialResultEvent(DocumentFragment processed, NamespacePath path, Source source, String sourceNamespace, CoordinatorInputKey key)
 IExporter ImageExporterFactory.produce(String id, ExportHelper helper)
 Result XHTMLCoordinator.startExport(URLDir root, String fileName, String systemId)
 Result LaTeXCoordinator.startExport(URLDir root, String fileName, String systemId)

Uses of ExportException in sk.uniba.euromath.gene.controller

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.gene.controller that throw ExportException
 Source ExporterPipe.export(DocumentFragment source, SourceEnum expected)
          Exports given nametree as defined by the transformation info.
 void ExportController.export(URLDir root, String fileName)
          Exports the document.
 Source IMarkResolver.resolve(String id, NamespacePath path)
          Resolves given ID and returns node produced.
 void SplittedDomJoiner.resolveMarkElements(Node node, NamespacePath path)
          Finds and resolves all emp:mark elements that is resolver able to provide.

Uses of ExportException in sk.uniba.euromath.gene.exportgraph

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.gene.exportgraph that throw ExportException
 ExportGraph ExportGraphBuilder.newGraph(Collection<? extends String> sourceNamespaces, CoordinatorInfo info)
           For each namespace, a regular export path is constructed via ExportGraphBuilder.newGraph(String, String).
 ExportGraph ExportGraphBuilder.newGraph(Collection<? extends String> sourceNamespaces, String coordinatorId)
           For each namespace, a regular export path is constructed via ExportGraphBuilder.newGraph(String, String).
 GraphNode ExportGraphBuilder.newWildcardGraphNode(String sourceNamespace, CoordinatorInfo info)
          Constructs a new graph node, able to deliver given namespace to the coordinator using a wildcard exporter.
 TransformGraph ExportGraphBuilder.toTransformationInfo(ExportGraph graph, ExportHelper helper, String coordinatorId, IGraphEdgeSelector selector)
          For each graph node in given graph produces a transformation info.
 TransformationInfo ExportGraphBuilder.toTransformationInfo(GraphNode node, ExportHelper c, CoordinatorInfo coordinatorInfo, IGraphEdgeSelector selector)
          Produces the transformation info instance.
 TransformationInfo ExportGraphBuilder.toTransformationInfo(GraphNode node, ExportHelper c, EnumSet<ResultEnum> provides, INamespaceAcceptor requires, IGraphEdgeSelector selector)
          Produces the transformation info instance.
 TransformationInfo ExportGraphBuilder.toTransformationInfo(GraphNode node, ExportHelper c, EnumSet<ResultEnum> provides, Map<String,EnumSet<SourceEnum>> requires, IGraphEdgeSelector selector)
          Produces the transformation info instance.
 TransformationInfo ExportGraphBuilder.toTransformationInfo(GraphNode node, ExportHelper c, String coordinatorId, IGraphEdgeSelector selector)
          Produces the transformation info instance.

Uses of ExportException in sk.uniba.euromath.gene.rendereradapter

Methods in sk.uniba.euromath.gene.rendereradapter that throw ExportException
 void ExporterAdapter.export(Source source, Result result, ExportContext context)
 Map<String,ExporterInfo> RendererAdapterFactory.getSupportedExporters()
 IExporter RendererAdapterFactory.produce(String id, ExportHelper helper)

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