
Class Summary
AbstractXMLReader Implements basic methods of XML reader.
AttributeReplacer Replaces selected attribute with given name and value.
AttributeReplacerHandler Replaces attributes in all elements, optionally ensuring that each replaced attribute has unique value.
AttributesAdapter Simple wrapper of attribute list; from DOM NamedNodeMap to SAX Attributes interface.
AttributesDelegate Delegates all calls to underlying attributes instance.
ContentHandlerDelegate Redirects all events to sink.
SaxDebuggerActive Functionally equivalent to providen XMLReader, but prints all SAX events.
SaxDebuggerPassive Serves primarily for debugging, it routes SAX events to the sink but prints them first.
SaxEventRecorder Each event invoked on this handler gets transferred to the underlying content handler and recorded.
SAXEventSuppressor Suppresses selected events.
XMLReaderDelegate Redirects all calls to underlying XMLReader instance.

Enum Summary
SAXEventKindEnum Enumerates kinds of SAX events.

Exception Summary
SAXExceptionFixed Fixes the SAX exception by setting the cause correctly.

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