12 package sk.uniba.euromath.document;
13 import org.w3c.dom.Node;
14 import org.w3c.dom.ProcessingInstruction;
15 import sk.uniba.euromath.tools.StringTools;
16 /***
17 * Holds old values of the node that may have been changed. Class may be
18 * instantiated by clients.
19 * @author Martin Vysny
20 * @deprecated superseded by DOM2 Events
21 */
22 @Deprecated
23 public final class ChangeTracer {
24 /***
25 * The constructor.
26 * @param node the node that is about to change. It must not yet be changed.
27 */
28 public ChangeTracer(Node node) {
29 super();
30 changedNode = node;
31 if (node.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
32 oldData = DocumentContent.getData(node);
33 else
34 oldData = null;
35 if ((node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
36 || (node.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE)) {
37 oldLocalName = node.getLocalName();
38 } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
39 oldLocalName = ((ProcessingInstruction) node).getTarget();
40 } else
41 oldLocalName = null;
42 }
43 /***
44 * After the change this method must be called once to trace what had been
45 * changed.
46 */
47 public void trackChange() {
48 if (changed != 0)
49 throw new IllegalStateException();
50 if (changedNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
51 String newData = DocumentContent.getData(changedNode);
52 if (!StringTools.nonNullStr(newData).equals(oldData))
53 changed |= CHANGED_DATA;
54 }
55 String newLocalName;
56 if ((changedNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
57 || (changedNode.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE)) {
58 newLocalName = changedNode.getLocalName();
59 } else if (changedNode.getNodeType() == Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
60 newLocalName = ((ProcessingInstruction) changedNode).getTarget();
61 } else
62 newLocalName = null;
63 if ((newLocalName != null) && !newLocalName.equals(oldLocalName))
64 changed |= CHANGED_LOCALNAME;
65 if (changed == 0)
66 throw new AssertionError("Internal: The node wasn't changed.");
67 }
68 /***
69 * Holds old textual value. Valid only for text, cdata, comment, processing
70 * instruction and attribute node
71 */
72 private String oldData;
73 /***
74 * Holds old textual value. Valid only for text, cdata, comment, processing
75 * instruction and attribute node.
76 * @return Old textual value.
77 */
78 public String getOldData() {
79 if (changed == 0)
80 throw new IllegalStateException();
81 if (changedNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
82 throw new IllegalStateException("Element does not have data.");
83 return oldData;
84 }
85 /***
86 * Reference to the node that had been changed.
87 */
88 private final Node changedNode;
89 /***
90 * Reference to the node that had been changed.
91 * @return the node
92 */
93 public Node getChangedNode() {
94 if (changed == 0)
95 throw new IllegalStateException();
96 return changedNode;
97 }
98 /***
99 * Returns old local name of the node. Valid only for element, attribute and
100 * processing instruction node.
101 */
102 private String oldLocalName;
103 /***
104 * Returns old local name of the node. Valid only for element, attribute and
105 * processing instruction node.
106 * @return local name for attribute and element node, and the name for the
107 * processing instruction node.
108 */
109 public String getOldLocalName() {
110 if (changed == 0)
111 throw new IllegalStateException();
112 return oldLocalName;
113 }
114 /***
115 * Indicates that the text had been changed. Valid only for text, cdata,
116 * comment and processing instruction node.
117 */
118 public final static int CHANGED_DATA = 0x01;
119 /***
120 * Indicates that the text had been changed.
121 */
122 public final static int CHANGED_LOCALNAME = 0x02;
123 /***
124 * Determines what had changed. Combination of <code>CHANGED_*</code>
125 * constants.
126 */
127 private int changed = 0;
128 /***
129 * Determines what had changed. Combination of <code>CHANGED_*</code>
130 * constants.
131 * @return bitfield flag describing the node properties that had been
132 * changed. At least one flag is always set.
133 */
134 public int getChanged() {
135 if (changed == 0)
136 throw new IllegalStateException();
137 return changed;
138 }
139 }