12 package sk.uniba.euromath.document;
13 import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
14 import org.w3c.dom.CDATASection;
15 import org.w3c.dom.CharacterData;
16 import org.w3c.dom.Comment;
17 import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment;
18 import org.w3c.dom.Element;
19 import org.w3c.dom.Node;
20 import org.w3c.dom.ProcessingInstruction;
21 import org.w3c.dom.Text;
22 import org.w3c.dom.traversal.DocumentTraversal;
23 import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter;
24 import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator;
25 import sk.baka.ikslibs.DOMUtils;
26 import sk.baka.ikslibs.interval.DOMInterval;
27 import sk.baka.ikslibs.levelmapper.NodeListID;
28 import sk.baka.ikslibs.modify.DOMMutils;
29 import sk.baka.ikslibs.ptr.DomPointer;
30 import sk.uniba.euromath.tools.StringTools;
31 /***
32 * Provides access to document's contents. It doesn't provide functions to
33 * modify document - that is the task of <code>DocumentModifier</code>.
34 * Nodes, returned by this function, must not be modified.
35 * @author Martin Vysny
36 */
37 public final class DocumentContent {
38 private final DomCore doc;
39 /***
40 * Creates instance of <code>DocumentContent</code>. Removes all
41 * whitespace texts.
42 * @param doc reference to document proxy.
43 */
44 DocumentContent(DomCore doc) {
45 super();
46 this.doc = doc;
47 if (doc.getDocument().getDocumentElement() != null) {
49 NodeIterator iterator = ((DocumentTraversal) doc.getDocument())
50 .createNodeIterator(doc.getDocument().getDocumentElement(),
51 NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
52 Node actNode = iterator.nextNode();
53 while (actNode != null) {
54 if (isNodeContentEmpty(actNode)) {
56 iterator.previousNode();
57 actNode.getParentNode().removeChild(actNode);
58 } else {
59 DOMMutils.normalizeWhitespaces(actNode);
60 }
62 actNode = iterator.nextNode();
63 }
64 iterator.detach();
65 }
66 }
67 /***
68 * Returns true if node has empty text contents (the <code>Text</code> or
69 * <code>CDATASection</code> node), or contains whitespaces only (
70 * <code>Text</code>).
71 * @param node node to check.
72 * @return true if <code>node.getData()</code> returns <code>null</code>
73 * or empty string.
74 */
75 private boolean isNodeContentEmpty(Node node) {
76 if (!(node instanceof Text) && !(node instanceof CDATASection))
77 return false;
78 final String data = ((CharacterData) node).getData();
79 if (StringTools.nullStr(data) == null)
80 return true;
81 if (node instanceof CDATASection)
82 return false;
84 for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
85 char c = data.charAt(i);
86 if (!Character.isWhitespace(c))
87 return false;
88 }
89 return true;
90 }
91 /***
92 * Returns regular element, identified by given id.
93 * @param id id of node.
94 * @return Element, denoted by given id.
95 * @throws DocumentException if id doesn't exist or it doesn't denote
96 * regular element.
97 * @deprecated
98 */
99 @Deprecated
100 public Element getElement(String id) throws DocumentException {
101 return doc.getIDManager().getElement(id);
102 }
103 /***
104 * Gets text (or CData) nodes, containing text identified by ID.
105 * @param id id of the desired node.
106 * @return text nodes denoted by given id.
107 * @throws DocumentException if id doesn't exist or it doesn't denote text
108 * or CData node.
109 * @deprecated
110 */
111 @Deprecated
112 public NodeListID getTextNode(String id) throws DocumentException {
113 return doc.getIDManager().getTextNode(id);
114 }
115 /***
116 * Gets processing instruction node, identified by ID.
117 * @param id id of the desired node.
118 * @return the node
119 * @throws DocumentException if id doesn't exist or it doesn't denote
120 * <code>ProcessingInstruction</code> node.
121 * @deprecated
122 */
123 @Deprecated
124 public ProcessingInstruction getPINode(String id) throws DocumentException {
125 return doc.getIDManager().getPINode(id);
126 }
127 /***
128 * Gets comment node, identified by ID.
129 * @param id id of the desired node.
130 * @return the node
131 * @throws DocumentException if id doesn't exist or it doesn't denote
132 * <code>Comment</code> node.
133 * @deprecated
134 */
135 @Deprecated
136 public Comment getCommentNode(String id) throws DocumentException {
137 return doc.getIDManager().getCommentNode(id);
138 }
139 /***
140 * Gets attribute node, identified by ID.
141 * @param id id of the desired node.
142 * @return the node
143 * @throws DocumentException if id doesn't exist or it doesn't denote
144 * <code>Attr</code> node.
145 * @deprecated
146 */
147 @Deprecated
148 public Attr getAttrNode(String id) throws DocumentException {
149 return doc.getIDManager().getAttrNode(id);
150 }
151 /***
152 * Returns data, associated with given node. Returns a text value.
153 * @param id id of node.
154 * @return character data, that the node contains. Never <code>null</code>.
155 * @throws DocumentException if node doesn't exist or it denotes an element.
156 * @deprecated
157 */
158 @Deprecated
159 public String getData(String id) throws DocumentException {
160 return doc.getIDManager().getData(id);
161 }
162 /***
163 * Returns data, associated with given node. Returns a text value.
164 * @param node the node.
165 * @return character data, that the node contains. Never <code>null</code>.
166 * @deprecated
167 */
168 @Deprecated
169 public static String getData(Node node) {
170 return DOMUtils.getData(node);
171 }
172 /***
173 * Modifies data, associated with given node. It does not notify splitted
174 * document of the change!
175 * @param node the node.
176 * @param data character data, that the node will contain. <code>null</code>
177 * is threated as an empty string.
178 * @return true, if data was changed, or false when original data was same
179 * as new data.
180 * @deprecated
181 */
182 @Deprecated
183 static boolean setData(Node node, String data) {
184 return DOMMutils.setData(node, data);
185 }
186 /***
187 * Checks, whether given element contains some elements also, or it contains
188 * text/comments/pi only.
189 * @param id id of element.
190 * @return true if element contains at least one regular element, false
191 * otherwise.
192 * @throws DocumentException if id doesn't exist or it doesn't denote
193 * regular element.
194 * @deprecated
195 */
196 @Deprecated
197 public boolean containsElements(String id) throws DocumentException {
198 Element e = getElement(id);
199 return DOMUtils.containsElements(e);
200 }
201 /***
202 * Computes text value of element or entity reference by concatenating all
203 * textual values of descendant text/cdata nodes.
204 * @param id id of element.
205 * @return textual value of element, never <code>null</code>.
206 * @throws DocumentException if id doesn't exist or it doesn't denote
207 * regular element.
208 * @deprecated
209 */
210 @Deprecated
211 public String getContainerText(String id) {
212 Element e = doc.getIDManager().getElement(id);
213 return getContainerText(e);
214 }
215 /***
216 * Computes text value of element or entity by concatenating all textual
217 * values of descendant text/cdata nodes.
218 * @param node node to query.
219 * @return textual value of element, never <code>null</code>.
220 * @deprecated
221 */
222 @Deprecated
223 public static String getContainerText(Node node) {
224 return StringTools.nonNullStr(node.getTextContent());
225 }
226 /***
227 * Returns element that is the nameroot of tree containing given node.
228 * @param node the node.
229 * @return nameroot (an element that belongs to same namespace as given node
230 * (if node is not element then its parent/owner is used instead), its
231 * parent is null or has different namespace and it is nearest such node to
232 * given node).
233 * @deprecated
234 */
235 @Deprecated
236 public Element getNameRoot(Node node) {
237 return DOMUtils.getNameRoot(node);
238 }
239 /***
240 * Tries to copy all nodes in the specified range (the node pointed to by
241 * <code>to</code> parameter is not copied). Copied nodes are returned in
242 * a <code>DocumentFragment</code> instance. Both pointers must have the
243 * same parent element.
244 * @param from start of the removal interval. The node where this pointer
245 * points shall be copied first.
246 * @param to end of the copy interval.
247 * @return <code>DocumentFragment</code> instance containing nodes that
248 * have been cut from the document. Never <code>null</code>. No element
249 * in the target fragment will have <code>emp:id</code> attribute.
250 * @deprecated
251 */
252 @Deprecated
253 public DocumentFragment copy(DomPointer from, DomPointer to) {
254 return new DOMInterval(from,to).toRange().cloneContents();
255 }
256 /***
257 * Checks the node if it is from our document.
258 * @param node node to check.
259 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if node is not from bound document
260 */
261 public void checkNode(Node node) {
262 doc.checkNode(node);
263 }
264 /***
265 * Checks the pointer if it points into our document.
266 * @param ptr pointer to check.
267 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if pointer is not from bound document
268 */
269 public void checkPtr(DomPointer ptr) {
270 doc.checkPtr(ptr);
271 }
272 /***
273 * Checks the node if it is from our document.
274 * @param node node to check.
275 * @return true if the node was created by this document, false otherwise.
276 */
277 public boolean isOurNode(Node node) {
278 return doc.isOurNode(node);
279 }
280 /***
281 * Iterates over the content nodes (comment, pi, text and element nodes)
282 * located directly in given node (i.e. there is no element node between
283 * <code>node</code> and returned nodes; iterator does not iterate through
284 * other elements).
285 * @param node contents of this node are to be iterated.
286 * @return iterator iterating through direct content nodes.
287 * @deprecated
288 */
289 @Deprecated
290 public ContentNodesIterator iterateContent(Node node) {
291 return new ContentNodesIterator(node);
292 }
293 }