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1   /*
2    * Copyright 1999-2006 Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
3    * and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava. This file is protected by
4    * the Mozilla Public License version 1.1 (the License); you may not use this
5    * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
6    * License at Unless required by
7    * applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
8    * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS
9    * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
10   * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
11   */
12  package sk.uniba.euromath.document.schema.plug;
13  import java.util.Iterator;
14  import org.w3c.dom.Element;
15  /***
16   * <p>
17   * Schema returns various information regarding allowed document structure. It
18   * is created for every namespace, and each <code>Schema</code> returns
19   * elements from its namespace only. Because class can be used by multiple
20   * documents simultaneously, each method must be thread-safe.
21   * </p>
22   * <p>
23   * Because of the identification system, in-memory <code>Document</code> is
24   * slightly modified. Schema instance must be aware that:
25   * <ul>
26   * <li>Every element node contains the <code>emp:id</code> attribute (the
27   * <code></code> namespace)</li>
28   * <li>Schemas doesn't say anything about comments and processing instructions,
29   * so you must ignore these nodes.</li>
30   * </ul>
31   * It is strictly forbidden to modify given document in any way!
32   * </p>
33   * <p>
34   * Document can be changed between any two calls without further notification to
35   * Schema. Thus, Schema must be 'stateless' - it must not change its internal
36   * variables due to document contents. In other hand, it is guaranteed that when
37   * any Schema function is being executed, the document stays unmodified.
38   * </p>
39   * <p>
40   * The schema should be checked for all schema mismatches in the loading time.
41   * The document is valid when some schema method is called and it must be valid
42   * when the suggested modifications are made. Hence the document is always valid
43   * and the only method that is allowed to throw an exception is the
44   * <code>validate()</code> method. However the method may throw an exception
45   * to signalise wrong parameters, invalid document etc (these exceptions
46   * signalise that there is something wrong with plugins or EuroMath itself).
47   * </p>
48   * @author Martin Vysny
49   */
50  public interface ISchema {
51  	/***
52  	 * Returns URI for which the Schema works. Schema may accept
53  	 * elements/attributes from other namespaces, however it should not attempt
54  	 * to define their content.
55  	 * @return URI to which the Schema is bound.
56  	 */
57  	public String getNamespaceUri();
58  	/***
59  	 * Returns list of possible local names of the root elements. URI is fixed
60  	 * and can be returned with function <code>getNamespaceUri()</code>- root
61  	 * element automatically belongs to the bounded URI. Caller guarantees that
62  	 * it won't modify this set. In exchange, Schema must cache this set.
63  	 * @return set of strings representing local names of the root elements.
64  	 */
65  	public INameListP<INewElementRuleP> getRootElements();
66  	/***
67  	 * <p>
68  	 * Computes all attributes defined in this schema, regardless of element,
69  	 * which they are bound to. Returned array must NOT be modifed in any way.
70  	 * These attributes are called exported - they can be inserted into other
71  	 * namespaces.
72  	 * </p>
73  	 * <p>
74  	 * This list serves for purpose of adding attributes of this namespace to
75  	 * elements from another namespace. Thus, if there are 2 or more attributes
76  	 * defined with same QName in schema, they cannot be returned here. That
77  	 * would raise ambiguity, because attributes are denoted only by QName, and
78  	 * we would have to select from more rules.
79  	 * </p>
80  	 * <p>
81  	 * Local attributes have empty URI instead of its own namespace URI, so
82  	 * empty URI must be replaced by its namespace URI.
83  	 * </p>
84  	 * <p>
85  	 * Result should be computed when object is created.
86  	 * </p>
87  	 * @return all attributes of this schema. Result list must contain
88  	 * <code>AttributeRule</code> instances.
89  	 */
90  	public INameListP<IAttributeRuleP> getExportedAttributes();
91  	/***
92  	 * Returns warnings that occured during schema loading. Items of iterator
93  	 * must NOT be modified nor deleted.
94  	 * @return <code>Iterator</code> of <code>String</code> representing
95  	 * warnings, or <code>null</code> if there were no warnings.
96  	 */
97  	public Iterator<String> getWarnings();
98  	/***
99  	 * <p>
100 	 * Validates given root element. It must be full validation, no elements nor
101 	 * texts must not be skipped. If this element is not valid, exception must
102 	 * be thrown.
103 	 * </p>
104 	 * <p>
105 	 * When element from another namespace uri is encountered in the process of
106 	 * validation, just call <code>ValidationContextP.validate()</code> to
107 	 * validate this unknown element.
108 	 * </p>
109 	 * <p>
110 	 * The only exception to this rule is <code>emp:id</code> attribute, which
111 	 * the schema must ignore.
112 	 * </p>
113 	 * @param element element to be validated, always one of possible root
114 	 * elements from this namespace.
115 	 * @throws SchemaException if something goes wrong in the process of
116 	 * validation. The <code>Schema</code> instance must provide as much
117 	 * information as possible about error. It should display path to errorneous
118 	 * element with <code>getPathToRoot()</code> method of
119 	 * <code>EuromathSchemaProvider</code> class.
120 	 */
121 	public void validate(Element element) throws SchemaException;
122 	/***
123 	 * Returns rule representing given existing element. If the document is not
124 	 * valid then the rule returned is correct if and only if the rule can be
125 	 * identified from the name of the element - the element is said to be
126 	 * context-free.
127 	 * @param element the element. It must stay unchanged while returned
128 	 * instance is used.
129 	 * @return rule, used to modify contents of given element.
130 	 */
131 	public IElementRuleP getElementRule(Element element);
132 }