The configuration file is a file named emConfig.xml
located in the
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config xmlns="">
The header part.
<locale> <language>en</language> <!-- lowercase two-letter ISO-639 code --> <!-- <country/> uppercase two-letter ISO-3166 code --> </locale>
Defines locales for EuroMath2. Optional language
element defines language,
and optional country
element specifies the language more exactly by country where
the language is spoken with.
<local-cache> <!-- locally stored files, to speedup access --> <schema-root>schema</schema-root> <stylesheet-root>stylesheet</stylesheet-root> <!-- resolve given url to the following local url address. Currently the local URL is rooted in the schema-root --> <resolve url="">org/w3/1998/Math/MathML/entities/mathml2.dtd</resolve> <resolve url="">sk/uniba/euromath/document/2001/entities/article.dtd</resolve> <resolve url="">org/w3/1999/xhtml/xhtml1-strict.dtd</resolve> <resolve url="">org/w3/2000/svg/svg10.dtd</resolve> </local-cache>
Defines locally stored schema, stylesheet and entity files. The schema-root
element defines
root URL where all schema and entity files are stored. This URL is relative to plugin's root directory (where the
config file is stored). The URL should not contain spaces - replace them with %20
The stylesheet-root
defines root URL where all stylesheet files are stored.
The resolve
element defines the local cache. An internet resource may be stored locally
to prevent frequent internet access. Mostly DTD defining entities are defined here.
Defines all known namespaces. EuroMath2 won't accept XML with namespace not listed here.
<namespace> <namespace-uri></namespace-uri> <desc>Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 2.0</desc> <default-prefix>mml</default-prefix>
Defines the MathML namespace. default-prefix
specifies XML prefix
most commonly used with this kind of document.
<schema allow-other-ns="false"> <location-url>org/w3/1998/Math/MathML/mathml2.xsd</location-url> <entities-url></entities-url> </schema>
Defines the schema file. The element is optional but should be defined.
is used primarily with DTD schema - if true
then elements and attributes from other namespaces are allowed to be inserted
anywhere in the document.
defines location of the schema file. If this URL is relative
then it is rooted in the schema-root
directory defined in the
element. entities-url
defines location
of DTD defining entities.
<stylesheet> <desc>Converts to MathML: Presentation Layer</desc> <target-uri></target-uri> <location-url>org/w3/1998/Math/MathML/mmlctop2.xsl</location-url> </stylesheet>
Defines one stylesheet. target-uri
element may occur multiple times -
it must define all namespaces that this stylesheet is able to produce.
defines location of the XSLT file. If the URL is relative then it is
rooted in the stylesheet-root
</namespace> ... </namespaces> </config>